
  • Admissions open for session 2024-25.

Social Cause

DMPS has a rich tradition of community service and a deep engagement with the society we live in. It is our aim to inculcate values of sharing and caring in our students so that they learn to recognise and fulfill their social duties and responsibilities.

Students at DMPS are dedicated to the cause of caring for the needy and upliftment of impoverished. While being engaged in community service, students step out of their cocoon of comfortable existence to experience the reality of life at first hand. It helps them to get sensitized towards social issues.

Our students take out time to engage in this wholeheartedly. They generously contribute towards orphanages, old age homes and victims of natural calamities.Yearly visits are organised to SOS children’s village and old age homes.The School has adopted a girl child from SOS and contributes to her education and upbringing. Such initiatives have turned children more humble as well as compassionate towards others and thus evolve into better individuals themselves.